Fans and comic collectors, ask your local retailer about how to get a copy of this exclusive variant-cover issue! The thrilling lead-in to DHP’s relaunch continues tomorrow on the Dark Horse blog, when we’ll reveal the two covers to issue #2. For each additional twenty copies ordered, another ultra-rare variant edition will be received, and each will feature a new signature. His short science fiction comic strip Strange Adventures (DC Comics)-an. Retailers who buy twenty copies of DHP #1 featuring the Chadwick cover, the Miller cover, or a combination of both will receive a copy of DHP #1 featuring the ultra-rare variant cover (available only while supplies last), signed by one of the book’s iconic creators. In 2010 Pope was recognized as a Master Artist by the American Council Of The Arts. In addition to the main cover by Paul Chadwick and Frank Miller’s variant cover, an ultra-rare variant by Paul Pope (cover artist for The Escapists, the original and historic run of Dark Horse Presents, Marvel’s Strange Tales, DC’s Wednesday Comics) will also adorn Dark Horse Presents #1. Strange Tales 1 (of 3) Kindle & comiXology by Paul Pope (Author, Cover Art), John Leavitt (Author), Mizuno Junko (Author, Artist), Format: Kindle Edition Book 1 of 3: Strange Tales See all formats and editions Kindle & comiXology £1.

As excitement about the relaunch of the legendary anthology comic Dark Horse Presents builds, Dark Horse president and publisher Mike Richardson-who’s also personally editing DHP’s anticipated return-is adding another thrilling creator to the premiere issue’s roster. Beneath the napalm-scorched Vietnamese countryside, a crew of tunnel rats encounter a horror beyond their wildest imagination.On the mean streets of Chicagos Southside, a mortally-wounded gang-banger tells how he lost his nerve in battle.